Tips and tricks for growing your audience with engaging content

Gone are the days when only lifestyle and entertainment content were available online. Now, you can find anything and everything on the internet. In the industry, nurse influencer marketing has come a long way. If you want to venture into being an influencer, a content marketing strategy for nurses is key. Here are some healthcare content writing tips on how to grow your audience.

Get to know your audience

In any form of marketing, knowing one’s audience is crucial in creating content. After all, you are targeting your audience and soliciting engagement from them. 

When it comes to nurse influencer marketing, your possible audiences include nurse practitioners, nursing students, and those who are generally interested in nursing. Part of the content marketing strategy for nurses is understanding how this audience thinks.

What kind of content do they like? Which topics interest them? Why are they drawn to these topics? When do they consume information? How frequently do they look for content?

The answers to these questions will give you an idea of what your target market is like. These will also serve as a guide in coming up with a content marketing strategy for nurses. If you want to engage with them, you should know how your audience’s minds work.

Talk about something that sparks interest

Putting random content is a big no-no in nurse influencer marketing — unless you want to brand yourself as someone random.

To reach your target audience, make sure that the content you put out is something that sparks their interest. Talk about things that they care about. State the obvious, people will only consume content if they are interested in it.

How do you know if that topic interests them? Put yourself in their shoes. Because nurse influencer marketing is very niche, there are specific topics that your audience is looking for. It can be about the nursing practice, nurse hacks in the hospital, specialty nursing, and the like.

As you are a nurse yourself, take some time to reflect on this. It is also a good initiative to ask your colleagues about it, especially if they are part of your target audience.

Stay updated on nursing industry news

Aside from useful and helpful content, material about the latest industry news will also most likely elicit engagement from your audience. 

One of our healthcare content writing tips is to keep yourself updated on the latest trends and news. Take note of hot issues and familiarize yourself with the details of what’s going on. Since these are trending, people will most likely search for information about them. 

These are also great starters in sparking discussions and debates. A compelling and engaging content marketing strategy for nurses should include getting the target audience to talk about current issues and topics.

However, be careful treading hot topics. Make sure that you are updated about the news and take a look at different angles. Only put out an informed opinion after due diligence and proper research. Talking about something that you know little about can be such a major turn-off.

Incorporate the latest trends into your content

Apart from content trends, stay updated on visual and creative trends as well. Jump on a trend and try to incorporate it into your content.

For example, TikTok is known for being a platform that is trend-heavy. If you want to use this, monitor the latest creative trends in the app. Try to find a way where you can ride on the trend while still keeping your branding and content in place.

Is there a trending dance number that you feel your audience will like? Practice your dance moves and add your content. Many influencers are doing this and they are getting very good engagement and feedback.

Videos and visuals over text

Too much text can be intimidating and not interesting enough for some internet users. Posts with long texts and no visuals are often scrolled past through. 

With this, the latest trend in content marketing strategy for nurses is to use visuals to attract attention. Adding an interesting photo can do wonders for your post.

You might also want to explore video content. Reels, stories, and TikTok posts are in the video format which has recently grown in popularity among social media users. In fact, TikTok has reached 1 billion active users in 2021. This proves how short-form videos are in demand.

Do not rely on stock photos

For nurses who prefer written and static content over videos, among our healthcare content writing tips is to use authentic photos as much as you can. 

Stock photos may be visually appealing but too much use of them will make you look too staged. Feel free to take your photos. Learn the basics of photography such as lighting, composition, and other techniques.

Personally taken photos give the audience an authentic and genuine vibe. Photos like these show human emotion and are more relatable and attractive to look at.

Final word: Explore trends but be yourself!

Nurse influencer marketing has become so popular that more and more nurses are exploring the digital sphere. Always remember that content marketing strategy for nurses is key. Make sure that your content is something your audience cares about. You can ride on trends and popular pegs but always stay true to your brand. Be real, be authentic, and be yourself!


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NurseDeck: a comprehensive guide to developing strategies to address and mitigate the current healthcare staffing crisis